At Thyroid clinic, we routinely manage thyroid conditions like Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism, Thyroid Nodule, Thyroid Malignancies and congenital and juvenile Hypothyroidism.

The usual symptoms of thyroid hormone insuffiiciency (hypothyroidism) may include; Weight gain

  • Puffy face and swollen feet
  • Constipation
  • Slowing down in work
  • Unexplained fatigue
  • Intolerance to cold

Thyroid hormone excess (Hyperthyroidism) may present as

  • Weight loss
  • Excessive sweating
  • Restlessness
  • Anxiety and sleep disturbance
  • A fast heart rate
  • Loose stools
  • Dislike for hot weather

Thyroid tumors may present as;

  • Enlarging neck (thyroid) swelling
  • Change in voice
  • Difficulty in swallowing

Hypothyroidism in children may manifest as

  • Slow growth
  • Poor school performance
  • Delayed pubertal development

Supplementary laboratory facilities for a sensitive thyroid hormone assay and antibody studies complement our Thyroid services.

Thyroid sonography and Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology of thyroid nodules are done routinely. We are aided by a very experienced pathologist who provides accurate FNAC reports , which facilitates timely and effective intervention. We have an excellent Nuclear Medicine Facility for Diagnosis and Ablation Therapy in Thyroid diseases. We also have a skilled surgical team for handling thyroid tumours and other benign thyroid conditions.


Thyroid problems are common in all age groups, from newborn baby to adolescent. They can be either underactive or overactive gland. The thyroid gland is very important during childhood, as any abnormality can affect childs physical and mental development.



Thyroid gland is situated in the neck and secretes the thyroid hormones. The thyroid gland produces hormones which regulate the bodys metabolic rate as well as heart and digestive function, muscle control, brain development and bone maintenance.Its correct functioning depends on having a good supply of iodine from the diet.

We treat various thyroid disorders including:

  • Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid):

    Hyperthyroidism is the term given when there is too much thyroid hormone in the bloodstream. It may be a result of over activity of the whole thyroid gland as in Graves disease or one(toxic nodule) to few nodules (multinodular goitre) secreting excess hormone.Symptoms of overactive thyroid include intolerance to heat, weight loss, increased appetite, increased bowel movements, irregular menstrual cycle, rapid and irregular heartbeat, palpitations, tiredness, irritability, tremor, hair loss and retraction of the eyelids resulting in a "staring" appearance.

  • Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid):

    Hypothyroidism is the term given when too few thyroid hormones are produced by the thyroid gland. It may result from autoimmune diseases (when the persons immune system starts to attack itself),poor iodine intake or be brought on by use of certain drugs.Hypothyroidism in adults results in decreased metabolic rate.This causes symptoms which include fatigue, intolerance of cold temperatures, weight gain, reduced appetite, poor memory, depression, stiffness of muscles and infertility.

  • Goitre (enlarged thyroid):

    Goitre can be due to enlargement of the whole thyroid gland, known as "smooth goitre", or part of the gland, called a "nodular" or "cystic" goitre. Many people with goitre have normal thyroid hormone levels but some can have an underactive (hypothyroidism) or an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism).This could be due to iodine deficiency, growths on thyroid gland or an inherited condition.Certain foods like vegetables from the cabbage family when consumed in very large quantities can lead to goitre. It is very common and people often notice it as a lump in their neck or it may be incidentally diagnosed when a neck scan is done for other reasons.

  • Thyroid nodules (lumps within the thyroid) & Thyroid cancer:

    Lumps (nodules) can sometimes appear on the thyroid gland.These are made of an overgrowth of cells and are usually benign (not serious).However, sometimes the lump is made up of cells that continue to grow in an unrestricted way that may eventually invade structures next to the thyroid or spread to other parts of the body.These are known as cancerous cells and the nodules as thyroid cancer. Occasionally cancer from another part of the body can spread to the thyroid and lymph node cancer, known as lymphoma, can also develop in the thyroid.

  • Thyroiditis (inflammation of the thyroid):

    Thyroid gland can get inflammed usually due to an infection. This can cause a painful neck swelling along with symptoms of an overactive thyroid gland. Many with this condition will eventually develop an underactive thyroid.